SSH using key fail


New Member
We have had to downsize from our dedicated server to unmanaged vps ... I had my own key based ssh login running fine on the dedicated but now it seems it simply does not like me at all. I have tried manually adding a key, using the cpanel generate and also importing into cpanel when trying to login my keys all come back with;

Permission denied (pubickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
I would like to have key based login in case any of the firewalls decide to lock me out to normal access.

Sounds like something could be wrong with the authorized_keys file. Most of these are not created by default (including the .ssh directory) and have to be created with proper permissions.

.ssh should be 700
authorized_keys should be 644

Then the keys entered into authorized_keys should be of proper format, watch for copy/pastes second-lining or adding blank spaces.

If you want, drop a support ticket and mention this ticket, we can have someone take a look.
Thanks for that, could not raise a ticket seems that I am lost, have sent an email to the support address.
We stopped accepting emails to support around August of last year after some repeated mishaps.

To submit a ticket, ticket must have proper authorization which is applied when submitted via then the Helpdesk on the left hand side bar.

Once a ticket has been submitted, it can be further communicated via email.
I am tech for the site will get the owners login to try again (I could raise tickets on the dedicated) all the fun of a move ;-)
If you're going to be making service requests for them often, it'd be in their best interest to add you as a manager so that you can have your own KnownHost account make tickets on their behalf.

Got onto support.. apparently shell craft ssh does not like the vps it was fine with the dedicated machine. Mac terminal (ssh cmd) worked no problem.

Go figure! Thanks for the help!!!!!