Free domain WHOIS privacy!
KnownHost offers domain registration services for some of the most popular TLDs. Purchasing your domains through us has many benefits including centralized service management and the ability for our support team to set and/or register nameservers for you reducing the amount of work you need to do. We also offer FREE domain privacy for life on eligible domains registered with us!
The prices displayed are yearly prices, valid for new registrations, transfers and renewals.
Just The Basics.
KnownHost's Domain services are priced affordably to be competitive with other registrars. KnownHost can assist with all aspects related to your domain such as nameservers, DNS and more. Let us handle your domain registration and assist you with creating your very own online identity!
Free WHOIS Privacy on Eligible Domains
Free DNS Manager
24/7/365 World-Class Support
View All Of Our Domain Options.
Questions About
Per ICANN policy a domain cannot be transferred within 60 days of its registration or last transfer. This applies to domain registrations being transferred to us as well as away from us.
When transferring a domain to us you'll be asked for what's known as an EPP code on the order form. You'll need to obtain the EPP code from the old/current registrar's control panel or by contacting their support. In addition the domain will need to be unlocked to allow the transfer.
Once the order is submitted to us and the EPP code is validated an email will be dispatched to the administrative WHOIS contact with a link that must be clicked in order to continue with the transfer. After this link is clicked the old registrar has five (5) days to release the domain to us.
While many registrars will either approve the request automatically or email you an additional link to get them to approve the transfer immediately, some do not and you may have to wait the full five days for the transfer to complete.
Nameservers are responsible for serving your domain's DNS. In the case of a shared hosting account these will be provided to you. For reseller accounts you have the option of using the ones provided to you or registering your own private nameserversr. For VPSs and dedicated servers you'll need to register nameservers before they can be used for your domain.
If you use an external DNS provider such as Cloudflare this is where you'll enter the nameservers they provide you.
On your My KnownHost panel page you'll be presented with a form to update the Registrant, Administrative, Technical, and Billing WHOIS contact info. If you have domain privacy enabled on your domain this information will not be public.
Domains can be controlled through the My KnownHost panel. When logged into the panel click on "manage" next to a respective domain to be presented with the management options for it.