KnownHost Santa Delivers: Managed KVM Cloud Servers & More

Well for me moving from VPS2 to MVPS 2 was going to be too expensive, about a 50% increase. I discovered that some new tools that were installed with Cpanel was hogging some RAM. These tools I did not need so they were removed or disabled. Now I was able to move from VPS2 to MVPS1 with out issues. So those that are running close on the VPS2 look for some processes that are using up RAM that you do not need. It worked for me! Good luck.
Would you mind telling us which tools were removed or disabled? I also have VPS2, but I am worried about RAM in the MVPS1.
Would you mind telling us which tools were removed or disabled? I also have VPS2, but I am worried about RAM in the MVPS1.

He's most likely referring to dovecot solr or 'cpanelsolr'

This was automatically added and installed to cPanel servers on version WHM 64.

Fast Email Searching (IMAP Full Text Search)
Full-Text Search Indexing (powered by Solr) provides fast search capabilities for IMAP mailboxes. Users of iOS devices, Microsoft® Outlook™, SquirrelMail, Horde, Roundcube, and Mozilla™ Thunderbird will notice significantly improved search speed and convenience.

It can use up to 512mb of memory; if you don't need this -- you can disable it through WHM

Login to WHM > Click on Service Configuration > Service Manager

Under the second section; uncheck 'enabled' and 'monitor' for cpanel-dovecot-solr

I've attached a screenshot to help identify.


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Weird, I don't have that anywhere, and some of what is in there is in a different order than that cap. WHM v68.0.25
Me neither :/
I only see Dovecot IMAP Server, Dovecot LMTP Server and Dovecot POP3 Server. All enabled.

In between I see Name Service Cache Daemon The system detected 874 MB of available memory. You should disable this service until the system has at least 1,000 MB of available memory. What is that?

My VPS only has blogs, less than 50,000 visits per month as a whole in 3 accounts. I manage email accounts via G Suite or Zoho. I use cron to trigger blogs and newsletter plugin.



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Me neither :/
I only see Dovecot IMAP Server, Dovecot LMTP Server and Dovecot POP3 Server. All enabled.

In between I see Name Service Cache Daemon The system detected 874 MB of available memory. You should disable this service until the system has at least 1,000 MB of available memory. What is that?

My VPS only has blogs, less than 50,000 visits per month as a whole in 3 accounts. I manage email accounts via G Suite or Zoho. I use cron to trigger blogs and newsletter plugin.

Look for "Deselect a service to disable it." It is 2 below that on my CPanel.
Hmm... looks like I will not invite Santa back into my house ;-)

For 5% less disc space, almost 60% less bandwidth allowance, an unknown impact on performance and a price increase of over 10% for the new option, it does not look like anything that would make sense (VPS-4 to MVPS-2). I think Santa shot himself in the food with this one.

On a side note - without your 30% discount you have successfully priced yourself out of the market (and actually even with the discount, your offering is in the top price range of managed VPS providers). You are slowly pricing yourself out of the market. The only reason I will not look for a different provider is the outstanding support and reliable service your team delivered over the years.

As mentioned to the sales team, I will stick with the current plan (especially as there is no bottleneck for me anywhere with that), but I agree with a lot of other people here that this year's Xmas surprise was not a real pleasant one.

@German I'm with you. I have a vps 4 looking to move to the MVPS 2 but I'll be squeezed even more on disk space and they have removed the quarterly option for payments. Seems there are less options with new KH. Just need to keep cost down, and it's getting harder to do. I guess I'm staying put for now.
I am on VPS-3, 42.5$, monthly payment ( I don't want to to quarterly or yearly). Usage: hobby stuff, i am not making a business with it.
Moving to MVPS2 is about 15% increase in price. A no-go, for me.
It seems that for VPS3 owner there is the worst situation if we talk about migrate on SSD VPS.
I will stick on VPS3, but I confess I am starting to look around because in my opinion the old VPS will not be available for long time. Just a guess, I hope to be wrong.
I am starting to look around because in my opinion the old VPS will not be available for long time.
I had the same concern and plan, and decided to move to the smallest SSD VPS plan. I gave up quarterly, a lot of space and bandwidth and less available RAM, but I'm spending a lot less now. They did this to themselves, reducing my spending. ;) Some Christmas gift.
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I had the same concern and plan, and decided to move to the smallest SSD VPS plan. I gave up quarterly, a lot of space and bandwidth and less available RAM, but I'm spending a lot less now. They did this to themselves, reducing my spending. ;) Some Christmas gift.

KH seems to be starving the middle options. Either get a deal at the bottom end or spend more at the top. I see all the reasoning, and SSD is a little more expensive than spinning HDD.
I hope KH give more middle options to us. maybe a new plan beetween MVPS-1 and MVPS-2. Something about 35US a month???
Alright made the switch to the MVPS-2 this morning. So far things seems a bit more responsive. I did notice that the server loads percentages are a little higher after the switch over. I'm assuming that's because the load is more concentrated to two full cores and not the percentage of the 16 shared cores?

Anyways, it seems to be running great with very low load averages.

nodequery-scrncap (2).png
Alright made the switch to the MVPS-2 this morning. So far things seems a bit more responsive. I did notice that the server loads percentages are a little higher after the switch over. I'm assuming that's because the load is more concentrated to two full cores and not the percentage of the 16 shared cores?

Anyways, it seems to be running great with very low load averages.

View attachment 486

Since those are percentage based and not load average the rise is definitely explained by the difference in cores. Looks like you still have plenty of headroom :)
I'm trying to study the difference between the regular VPS and Cloud VPS. On your website description, it states that cPanel/WHM or DirectAdmin is included for the regular VPS plans. On the other hand, only cPanel or DirectAdmin is included for the Cloud VPS plans. Meaning to say WHM is not included? If that is the case, how can we fine-tune our own private server?
I'm trying to study the difference between the regular VPS and Cloud VPS. On your website description, it states that cPanel/WHM or DirectAdmin is included for the regular VPS plans. On the other hand, only cPanel or DirectAdmin is included for the Cloud VPS plans. Meaning to say WHM is not included? If that is the case, how can we fine-tune our own private server?

WHM is part of cPanel. It's a package deal. We should probably update that to be consistent between the two just to prevent confusion :)
I'm still on my old VPS-4 plan and now have time to think about migrating to the new plan structure. I've read through the thread and there seems to be some confusion on migration costs, etc. so I decided to put together a quick spreadsheet that compares my current VPS-4 plan with what is the closest new plan which is the MVPS-2. If my calculations are correct in applying the discounts, etc. this seems to be only $0.30/mo difference for me on a monthly billing basis. One caveat: The $624 total at the bottom assumes the extra 10% discount for annual billing only applies to the base package. If the additional 10% also applies to the IPs and Softaculous that would alter the final amount slightly. Maybe this will help others who have not yet migrated to the new plan structure see how it would compare. I'm not too concerned about the b/w and disk space reductions, so if the performance is better it's certainly worth it.
