There's always got to be someone hasn't there...
All customers purchasing the same package should get the same thing. I agree. What I think is BS is giving me what I paid for is labeled a "gift" as this thread is titled. I paid for it, same as everone else. If the package is upgraded I should get the upgrade, but that isn't a gift.
it's not what you paid for. What you paid for on your VPS-3 is 2.5GB RAM, 70GB disc, 600GB bandwidth (or maybe even lesser specs if you've had it more than a year or two). You had that on a rolling monthly contract- Similar to a mobile phone contract, you get certain resources for X months and after that time you can either continue to pay the same money for the same resources, or you can start a new contract. In this case you are only tied-in one month-by-month.
Now you are getting more resources.
As others have said, most hosting companies will not upgrade those resources during the life of your contract. Knownhost HAVE upgraded your resources, at no extra cost, so what exactly is the problem? (hint, there isn't one

Before coming to Knownhost for a VPS-2, I had a reseller account (shared hosting) at Host Gator. The last 24 months I was with HG, I had my eye on their VPS packages, and aside from them not being parcicularly good value, their resources haven't changed in 2 years or more.
If you buy a car and get a monthly payment plan on it, you don't expect the car's spec to be upgraded during the time you are paying it off, do you (unless you bought a Tesla)?