Interested in moving my sites with you, help.


New Member
Hi guys,

I am Mario from Mexico

These ones are my sites....

My vB forum:

My online store:

And I am looking a new hosting for them, I know that the store don´t have any problem for space, bandwidth, process and memory, but what about the forum ??, please check it.

Right now I have a shared hosting plan that give me 6 GB of space and 40 GB of Bandwidth (I need a little more of bandwith) and I have almost 3 years with that hosting company, so I am a good customer.

I have 2500 registered users, 520 active users, 600 visits in 24 hrs. (users, guests and bots) and in a time maximum I have 45 users connected (with bots and guests) in the forum. Tell me if you need any extra information ok ?

Some people told me that my forum is fine yet for a shared hosting and some other people told me that I need a VPS, but you are the expert.

Do u think s shared hosting plan that you have will be fine for the both sites ?, I hope so because the economic situation here in Mexico is a little difficult, but really I want to change my sites of hosting and I think you are a very good option.

Finally if I decide to move with you, I don´t have experience and I don´t know how I can do all the change of my sites with you, so could you do this for me ??

Thank you a lot guys, I will be waiting your prompt answer!!

Hello Mario,

Thanks for your interest in KnownHost and also for the background on your websites. Based on your usage and our hosting plans we'd recommend our VPS L plan. You didn't mention what control panel you use now but I will assume cPanel. If you order the same control panel with us as you use now then we can migrate your data for you. So please let us know what control panel you use. Regarding our recommendation of the VPS L, you may be okay with shared hosting but if you plan to grow you will need a VPS sooner then later. We don't recommend our VPS M plan when using cPanel so this is why we say go with the VPS L. We do have a promotion right now which is for the VPS L and larger on monthly payments. Please see here. Hope this helps.

Hi Joel,

thank you a lot for your prompt answer ( I also sent you an email).

Yes I have cPanel.

Ok and I will have the 2 sites in the same hosting plan, right ??, right now I have independient cPanel for each site, will I have the same here?, please tell me.

And to confirm, the first month of the VPS L will be $17.5 ?? and then monthly I will pay $29.75 with cPanel ???

Also want to know what is the difference in the Texas and California ??, only the bandwidth or also something else ??

Thank you again my friend!!


Yes, you will be able to have independent cPanel's for each of your websites. You actually get even more flexibility since with a VPS you can create multiple WHM (Reseller accounts). You may not need it but this is a true advantage of VPS's over cPanel shared and Reseller hosting.

Pricing is exactly as you stated.

Both datacenters are excellent so the only thing to focus on really is geographic location. The closer the server to you the faster it will seem.

Btw, I didn't get an email from you.

Well California and Texas are near to Mexico, I am in Mexico city, so I think Texas is nearest from me.

But California has 400 GB of Bandwith

the cost is exactly the same, right ?

Only to confirm, both are fully managed ??, because I really don´t have the knowledge to do something there. :( the Xcache is installed ?

Te email(ticket) that I was sent you is the same as the first post in this topic.

Thank you again Joel.
The cost is the same in Texas and California. You are correct in California we currently offer Double Bandwidth. As long as you order cPanel yes it's Fully Managed. Xcache we will install upon request along with any other 3rd party application.

If you sent a sales ticket you should also have a ticket ID that was sent in autoreply to you. What is the ticket ID? I looked at all Sales tickets today and don't see anything from you. So wherever it was sent it didn't come to us.

Hi again Joel,

I have another little cuestion.

Fully manages includes.... backups, updates and monitoring ?, I think yes but want to confirm, because I didn´t find this in the site.

Another thing is the meaning of the "Premium Bandwidth" in the Texas VPS ?

We do backups and we keep the OS updated and cPanel updates automatically so yes it's all updated. Monotoring we do for the physical server but for inside the VPS the VPS can be configured to restart itself if something were to go wrong but we do not proactively watch each VPS.

Premium Bandwidth just means "quality" rather then cheap like many hosts use. So your network connectitivity, speeds, etc will be very good. California is Premium too but we currently offer double as an extra incentive. Hope this helps.

I can attest to the shared and VPS connection/bandwidth is great! Compared to many other hosts Knownhost has a very fast and dependable connection.
Hi again dear KH-Joel

I am ready to do the change with you in this week, only please tell me waht else I need (apart of the payment) that you could do the change of my sites with you ??, tell me what do u need, one of the things is the access to my cPanels, no problem for that. I want to know to have all this information ready when I do the payment with you.

Also the VPS L is the VS 2 ??

And finally in more or less how many days I will see the sites online with you ??

Thank you again for everything!!

As long as you use cPanel currently as your control panel and you order cPanel with us all we need from you is access to those accounts and we can migrate your data. Just place your order, make payment, and await your login email. Once you receive that open a support ticket and provide access to both accounts.

The VS2 is similar to the VPS Lca but they aren't the same of course.

DNS Propogation takes 2-48 hours usually so some people will see your sites right away and others may have a day or two delay.

Oh I forgot, and the special that you offer me is available ?, because that is why I am really interested in do it with you and I have the money ready to do it.
That coupon expired. You can email sales(at) to see what we can do for you.


I already sent the email to the sales department, tell me if right now aren´t differences in the Texas and California Datacenter ??? when I asked you I see that California have the double bandwidth but I didn´t find that information in the new style of the site, please tell me.

thank you a lot again!!

Being US-based, it's possible that Joel, and the rest of the sales team, may be out of the office at present. I'm sure, though, that your email will be replied to as soon as they are available.

Sorry, I wasn't online late last night. Jennifer replied this morning to you so you should be all set.

Thank you so much Joel,

I did my order and I am waiting the email with all the information of my account.
