thank you for the encompassing information you provided. I'm with KnownHost now for 9+ years and I'm most assuredly more interested in your fantastic support and excellent VPS-hosting, than in anything else. However, like the other user above, I am not prepared to make the migration this month, possibly neither next month. I believe I have to adjust and update a couple of things first.
So, will this offer stand? Meaning, can I simply pay an additional $6 in October and November, while I adjust everything as I want and then have you migrate my VPS to another using DirectAdmin? And the price drops back to before?
Also, I use 5 IPs altogether, will all of them change? If yes, will they be used in a similar pattern as those I have now are used?
Also, at least for myself I foresee asking you to make even minor changes for a while until I get used to the new panel. I bet I'm not alone in that
. Won't the whole brouhaha not stress your team too hard?
I'm currently located in the Texan datacenter. Will this be closed, or did I misunderstand something?
Cheers, R