About to Jump on VPS and have a couple of questions - total newbie

Alex Vojacek

New Member
We started our website a year ago (tecnogaming) and currently running with xxxx hostin with basic shared hosting.

All was good and sound, till our visits started to scale up and then, sudden slowdowns are common and on top of that, they modify things on the server and things stop working on my forums/website so we are planning on going VPS route,primary for stability-reliability, because we need to have a 100% secure website for all our readers.

Question is, when I begin the order form, I put the EPP code to "transfer the domain" (i really didn't transfer any domain before so i don't know)

Will my website break if I put the EPP code found in my registrar ?

I need to have this fact cleared up before I do the purchase, I have cpanel with "full-backup" functionality on xxxx hosting, will there be any problem if you guys transfer my domain ?

That will be all, I really hope to be part of this new hosting as soon as possible, after hours and hours of searching, you guys keep showing up on google searches as the top of VPS providers/services.

PD: one more question, what kind of Mhz have the VPS services (not exact meassures but at least an aproximation) because it is not specified in any of the forms.

(sorry for my bad english, i'm a spanish speaking guy). :D
Well I reply to myself, ticket has been answered with crystal clear presition, and I am a happy new member of the family ! we are so happy to be part of KnownHost ! :D:D:D:D
well, my website is hosted now on KH, what can i say, I AM HONORED, this VPS server totally rocks, it flies !

I am very greateful to all people at KH with their instant tickets solutions, coudn't ask for more, we did some benchmark while the site was up on the old shared hosting and differences in loading time where pretty evident!

Welcome Alex. You made a wise decision. KH does hosting the way it's suppose to be. This Forum has some really friendly and helpful people should you run into a problem.
Thank you for the kind welcome everyone, yeah, i feel I made a good choice, some desitions you could feel it's right even when you don't try it, my gut feeling was right on this one I'm proud of this company.
Best custonmer service

I can confirm, in the past 11 years, I've been hosting with different providers , and I can say knowhost has by far the best customer service.Fingers crossed!