Last couple of days have been weird.
CPU load jumps over 2 in the morning, when visitors are low. At night, double visitors and CPU load is around .5
Yesterday via WHM, cpu load shows 24 CPU's. Today 16 CPU's.
Yesterday and today, lfd failed. So I check the log, it has a non helpful message:
"Error: pid mismatch or missing, at line 692"
Maybe server/vps has been moved?
CPU load jumps over 2 in the morning, when visitors are low. At night, double visitors and CPU load is around .5
Yesterday via WHM, cpu load shows 24 CPU's. Today 16 CPU's.
Yesterday and today, lfd failed. So I check the log, it has a non helpful message:
"Error: pid mismatch or missing, at line 692"
Maybe server/vps has been moved?