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Suppose you have assigned a Dedicated IP address to an individual cPanel account and looking to revoke the changes; you can consider this article a perfect guide for that. Learn, How to remove Dedicated IP and set a Shared IP address for a cPanel account? 1. First, login into WHM panel, or https://IP-address: 2087 or https://server-hostname: 2087. 2. Navigate to Account […]

How to assign a Dedicated IP address to a cPanel account?

Category: cPanel
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Are you looking for dedicated IP? Don’t worry! KnownHost got you to cover everything which is required for the hosting environment. After getting Dedicated IPs assigned and configured with your WHM server, the next step is the assignment of dedicated IPs to cPanel accounts. Let us learn how to assign a dedicated IP address to […]

How to Manage VPS Settings

Within this article, we’ll be going over the different functionalities of the “Settings” area of your virtual server management portal. We will cover the following sections Changing the Hostname Changing the root password Adding SSH Keys Accessing VNC Console Accessing Serial Console Changing the Hostname All servers have a FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name) that is […]

Registering Nameservers (Glue Records)

Nameserver registration is required prior to nameservers being actually used. This is known as “Glue Records” as registering an IP to a specific nameserver/hostname tells the domain registrar where that nameserver should be looking to handle DNS requests. Here are some of the circumstances where new nameservers might be created: If you have recently migrated […]

Reseller Hosting Overview

At KnownHost, we’re not only here just to provide a webhosting package. We’re here to assist you as your Managed Provider in your endeavors. As such, should you ever need assistance you can always contact us. However, we know that there are times where you really just want to be able to do it yourself. […]

How to park domain using WHM?

Category: cPanel
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You can manually configure the parked domain using Park a Domain feature. Using the Park a Domain feature, you can configure the same root directory for one or more domain names. Learn, How to park domain using WHM? 1. First, login into WHM panel, or https://IP-address: 2087 or https://server-hostname: 2087. 2. Navigate to DNS Functions → Park a Domain. 3. Next, select […]

How to generate CSR from WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Before purchasing an SSL certificate, you first generate CSR using the unique name (domain name). Using Generate CSR option of WHM, you can directly generate CSR for the unique name (domain name). Learn, How to generate CSR from WHM? 1. First, login into WHM panel, or https://IP-address: 2087 or https://server-hostname: 2087. 2. Navigate to SSL/TLS → Generate CSR. 3. Enter […]

How to configure custom TTL in WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Time To Live, i.e., TTL is configured time in seconds which decides the DNS cache expiry. For example, you have a domain, and A record TTL is configured as 14400 (14,400 seconds), it has an initial A Record Suppose you updated the A record for the domain name with Due to […]

How to configure MX record in the WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Email routing is mainly dependent on the MX records, which are configured for the domain name. WHM interface allows you to configure the custom MX records for any individual domain name. Moreover, you can modify the email routing configuration as well. Learn, How to configure MX record in the WHM? 1. First, login into WHM […]

How to terminate the cPanel account?

Category: cPanel
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To remove the cPanel account altogether from the server, you have the Terminate option in the cPanel server. You need to select the cPanel account and click on the terminate option to get the job done. We will be covering the detailed article on How to terminate the cPanel account?. Terminate cPanel Account Using WHM […]