Requirements: SSH / Terminal Knowledge A key role of server maintenance is ensuring that all Content Management Systems (CMS) installed are kept up to date. For some, this can be quite a challenge. Having just a few installs can make it quite a task to check if all installs are up to date. We’ve got […]
The following instructions reference $DOCROOT to mean the document root where your DokuWiki is installed and $USER is the Linux system username of the user that owns the domain. On cPanel, the document root is typically /home/$USER/public_html/, and on DirectAdmin, this is typically To enable debug mode for DokuWiki, you will edit the configuration file […]
First of all, who is your audience? Where are they located geographically? If you are located in the same location as your target audience, or you have access to a server in that location, then there are tools that can help you make the right choice. To determine which location is best, you can use […]