An email account is frequently used in the ever-changing online world. It helps you receive updates, notifications, keeps track of interests or hobbies, lets you communicate with friends, colleagues, and much more. So it’s bound to reason that you got your own cPanel account, got your own domain, and now you want to get your […]
The WP-CLI is a very diverse toolset that can be installed at the command line for managing WordPress websites. If you’re familiar with using such tools at the command line level then the information to follow should be relatively easy. However, if this is not something you’ve done before then we hope this helps you […]
This article will cover a few different ways to upgrade your WordPress website. Please note that upgrading WordPress is considered developmental and any issues that may occurs as result, KnownHost can not be held responsible for. To check and see what version of WordPress you have installed, check out our How can I check what versions […]
If you forget the admin password to your WordPress site, you may need to reset it. Although normally resetting the password can be done from within WordPress, that isn’t much help if the reason you need it changed is because you do not know the old one. Here, we go over how to change the WordPress […]
This documentation is to help you configure your server’s JetBackup configuration for remote destinations. While this guide is intended to be paired with our remote storage solution, this guide can be used to implement other additional destinations as it covers the basic functionality of the remote destination system that JetBackup utilizes. JetBackup bases its destinations […]
A remote destination will allow you to store your backups for your server at a remote location so that if you ever experience an incident, you’ll have something to fall back on. This documentation is to help you configure your servers backup configuration for remote destinations. While this guide is intended to be paired with […]
This documentation is to help you configure your servers backup configuration for remote destinations. While this guide is intended to be paired with our remote storage solution, this guide can be used to implement other additional destinations as it covers the basic functionality of the remote destination system that cPanel has implemented. More information about […]
Installing WordPress plugins often means searching for the best plugins to achieve your goals. However, “best” means different things to different people. Are you looking for plugins with the most features? Want the fastest loading times? Trying to get by without spending anything? You can add functionality, improve performance, make a site easier to manage […]
There are three ways of installing WordPress plugins, two from within the WordPress Admin pages and one using file transfer such as FTP, SFTP or SCP. None of these are particularly more difficult than the other, but nevertheless, we’ll cover how to install WordPress plugins step by step using each of the methods listed. Method #A […]
There are hundreds of WordPress security plugins to choose from, with some trying to do one thing only and others trying to do it all. Given the fact that security plugins will often make fundamental changes to folder locations, database prefixes, user ID’s and enumeration obfuscate file locations and restrict login access, it’s always prudent […]