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Two-Factor Authentication: How to enable in cPanel?

Two-factor authentication provides extra layer security to your cPanel account. It offers two security levels; once you enter the password for cPanel, you need to enter the security code generated on the application. Failure of entering the code results in failure of the login attempt. We recommend using Google Authenticator as it is available for […]

How to Change cPanel Password?

Category: cPanel
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Password security is important due to the nature of what is available within your cPanel account. We’ll go over how to change cPanel password in this article. Many times the default password of the cPanel comes with a very complex structure, and it is very hard to remember. Keeping the cPanel password memorable with a […]

How to create custom error pages in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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cPanel has its default error pages. Having custom error pages will impact the user experience as well. Every corporate website is likely to have its custom error page setup to enhance custom user experience. Example: The visitor will land on cPanel’s default 404 error page if your visitor hits the not found URL. In this […]

How to set up Cron Jobs in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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Cron Job is a linux command designed to deploy scheduled tasks. cPanel has a specific option called “Cron Jobs” through which you can set up cron jobs using a graphical user interface. Cron Job Structure how cronjobs are setup from first to last: * * * * * command to be executed – – – […]

How to change PHP Version in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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As time goes by, new PHP versions are being introduced, and old ones reach their EOL (End Of Life). Hence, sometimes the default PHP version of the web server might not work as expected for your script, or you want to update the PHP version for the specific hosted Domain. In that case, you might […]

How to Install an SSL Certificate in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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We’ll be going over how to install an SSL Certificate for your domain within our “How to Install an SSL Certificate in cPanel” guide. The Secure Socket Layer, also known as SSL, SSL is a protocol that works on browser and server levels. SSL transports, encrypt and decrypt the data while sending and receiving it […]

How to generate CSR’s for SSL in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is required to purchase the new SSL, and it will be asked by your Certificate Authority (CA). Once you submit and verify the ownership of the domain name, the certificate authority (CA) will issue a new SSL certificate for the same. We’ll be going over the step by step requirements to […]

How to add DNS records in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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DNS (Domain Name Service) is used to resolve the server address with the domain names. In this case, DNS has multiples A, TXT, MX, CNAME, etc record types. Every record type of DNS has independent work; for example, A record is used to resolves the server’s IP with the specified domain, MX record is used […]

How to set up domain redirection in cPanel?

On many occasions you need to redirect certain domain traffic to another one. In that case there might be manual steps you need to perform to get redirection done. cPanel offers you a direct option to setup redirection of hosted domains. Adding Domain Redirection 1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password. i.e; ( or 2. Navigate to Domains → […]

How to check Bandwidth Usage in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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cPanel offers the best feature to check the yearly, monthly, daily bandwidth usage right from Metrics > Bandwidth. This tool measure bandwidth of HTTP (web) and POP (mail). This tool is so systematic that you get a graphical representation of past data. 1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password. i.e; ( or 2. Navigate to METRICS […]