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How to Get Your Comment Approved on Someone Else’s WordPress Blog?

Category: WordPress

When you’re commenting on a blog post and want a better chance of getting your comment approved, there are a number of things you can do to improve your odds. The essentials are to be real, be yourself, don’t be trying to accomplish some SEO backlight sneaky move, and to contribute something. To that end:

  1. Don’t stuff keywords into the Name field, or Comment body – use your real name
  2. Don’t insert links into your comment in an effort to boost SEO or siphon traffic
  3. Add something of value to the conversation
  4. Using your site URL in the website URL field may actually count against you, so until you’re known to the site author, consider not including your own site URL – it’ll mean no links appear, which signals that you are in fact not spam

Follow these steps, and you will have more chance of your comment being approved.