Recent content by WRMercier

  1. WRMercier

    I'm curious, how much has cPanel's price increase affected it's user base...

    DA works GREAT for me. No issue with learning curve.
  2. WRMercier

    cPanel vs DirectAdmin - a small feature I like...

    I was way hesitant in moving from cPanel to DA as cPanel was the only control panel I had ever used and resisted having to learn the new panel. Due to the elevating price increases, I was forced to make the change decision and glad I did. The migration went smoothly and the learning process was...
  3. WRMercier

    Guides for DirectAdmin?

    I to have made the switch after 10 years with KH and cPanel to DA. Am struggling but learning more as I explore. Is there a really good YouTube Video or text doc tutorial that could guide me through the steep learning curve? Support is always there but I try to keep HELP tickets to a minimum so...
  4. WRMercier

    Upcoming changes to legacy MVPS package

    Thanks for all the info folks. I have decided to take the plunge and move away from cPanel due to ever increasing cost. I have been with KH for 10 years so am very familiar with their fantastic support team so believe this is a move I will ultimately be happy I made. Thanks again and Happy...
  5. WRMercier

    Upcoming changes to legacy MVPS package

    I will be changing plans as well. Hoping it will not be a struggle learning DirectAdmin but with the ongoing price increase of cPanel, I must initiate the change.
  6. WRMercier

    Upcoming changes to legacy MVPS package

    Sorry! But confused regarding the upcoming changes to legacy MVPS package? I currently have the MVPS-1 package including cPanel which cost me $34 per month that I pay annually $408. With the upcoming change, 01/01/2022 what will I be paying should I continue as is? How much if I drop cPanel and...
  7. WRMercier

    Happy Holidays!

    Happy and Safe Holidays to KH and especially the Support Staff who do a GREAT job 24/7. Thanks to all and looking forward to bigger and better things to come in 2021.
  8. WRMercier

    KnownHost Santa Delivers: Managed KVM Cloud Servers & More

    10 years as a loyal customer and not even a lump of coal last or so far this year. Maybe the KH Santa does not want us any more?
  9. WRMercier

    DKIM and SPF records - needs sorting!

    KH is FANTASTIC at support! If you want the issue addressed FAST or even YESTERDAY, submit your ticket.
  10. WRMercier

    5 years with KnownHost --> 2014/2019

    I am coming up on 10 years (Dec 29, 2019) for the same reasons. If its not broke don't fix it till is.
  11. WRMercier

    13 Year Anniversary!

    Anyone who might be critical of an occasional bump in the hosting road has never had to deal with the vast majority and multitude of hosting providers suffering the slings and arrows from disgruntled downstream customers. As for me and mine, we are devoted and dedicated KH Customers. Rock On KH!
  12. WRMercier

    PHP Upgrade

    What is the consensus on upgrading to PHP 7.3? Is this something best left to Support? I read the WHM "How To" and it looks a bit intimidating. At this junction, how likely is it to have an adverse effect on current websites? Thanks in advance for your input, advice, suggestions and recommendations.
  13. WRMercier

    13 Year Anniversary!

    I came on board Dec 2009. There is a reason for the loyalty and longevity. Good support, value, and service. Keep it up KH
  14. WRMercier

    Knownhost is losing quality in its

    Not my experience as well. Every service request I had was handled immediately with total success. Could not ask for better service.
  15. WRMercier

    KnownHost Santa Delivers: Managed KVM Cloud Servers & More

    CountryEd; Thank you ever so much for the insightful and informative info. It will be invaluable to me and I suspect many others who are working on a tight budget. Happy New Year and THANKS again.