The Importance of Domain Privacy Protection

Updated June 17, 2019
Have you ever wondered how unsolicited marketing companies get your work number, email, or address? If you answered yes, you may need Domain Privacy Protection.
In this post, we will walk you through:
- • What Domain Privacy Is
- • Determining If You Need Domain Privacy
- • How To Take Advantage of FREE Domain Privacy
What is Domain Privacy Protection?
Once you’ve finally found the perfect domain name and verified that the domain name is available, you’ll come to see that registering it requires providing your contact information to the company you buy it from. They’re then required by law to pass that information along to the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) WHOIS directory, which in return publishes it for all the world to see…
Domain privacy is an add-on service offered by many domain registration companies (for a small fee) that keeps your personal information private, while keeping you in compliance with the law.
Do I Need Domain Privacy Protection?
Some domain owners might argue that you don’t need Domain Privacy Protection, especially if you’re just starting out, but like most people have found, once something is out on the web, it’s out.
Domain privacy is an add-on service offered by many domain registration companies (for a small fee) that keeps your personal information private, while keeping you in compliance with the law. While domain registration is required, domain privacy is not required but could most definitely be useful for your site and business.
How Can I get Domain Privacy Protection?
Most Hosting companies provide Domain Privacy Protection for a small yearly fee ranging anywhere from $2.99 to $7.99. You may also see a Protection Plan offered from the company in which you are buying your domain.
But what if you could get your Domain Privacy Protection for FREE? You don’t want your information out, and neither do we, that is why all domains registered with KnownHost include free domain privacy!! KnownHost will never hold your domain hostage and outbound transfers are in no way delayed by us, the ability to lock/unlock the domain for transfer and retrieve the transfer (EPP) code is available in our client portal to you at all times. KnownHost also offers domain transfers for your current domains, so it’s never too late to get Domain Privacy Protection for FREE!
Click here to learn more about KnownHost’s Registered Domains.
Overall, it is obviously up to whether you would like your personal information to be available to the public, but avoiding this is 110% recommended (especially if you can get it for free). By having Domain Privacy, you can rest assured the only phone calls, emails, or mail you’ll be getting is from potential customers!