Tag: performance

Many web designers, developers, information architects, and other professionals that concern themselves with how a site works have some pretty set opinions on the kind of hosting their projects will need. As a general rule of thumb, most of these preconceived notions are probably on the money. After all, if you’ve worked in the digital […]

What is “fast,” and why does it matter? What is the role of responsive design? Is responsive design or speed more pivotal? Checking your speed How SSD VPS fits into the speed conversation Two of the most important elements that will determine the success of a website are the critical user experience (UX) considerations of […]

Connection between hosting and performance How quickly do people leave a slow site? How valuable is an online customer? What’s the cost of a minute of downtime? How long does it take to resolve the average site disruption? How do performance leaders generally outpace their competition? What benefits arise from a greater focus on performance? […]

5 Benefits of VPS for Bloggers 8 Reasons SSD is Better for Blogging Why is Speed Central to Your Blog’s Success? Support for Your Speed   If you’re a blogger, you probably don’t want to have to think too much about hosting. However, it’s an easy way to create differentiation. If your blog has better […]