3 Secret Ways to Reduce Server Costs Revealed by Hosting Insider

Make it through this entire post and you’ll discover at least 3 ways to reduce server costs – saving 15%, 25%, 50%, or more, on your next hosting purchase.
Four minutes of your time could save you thousands of dollars over your lifetime.
Sagely Advice from My Grandmother
My grandmother was a wise woman despite knowing nothing about how to reduce server costs – she knew how to save money, that’s for sure. She taught many lessons of life through a series of colloquial expressions, several of which I can’t repeat in mixed company. She never drove a car and rarely rode in one. My grandfather made railroad cars, walked to work and ate fried food every day. He never drove a car either.
Only recently did I find that some of my grandmother’s wisdom had been “borrowed” from earlier generations…
Buying a New Car
My father had been considering buying a new car. He wanted a new Ford, because he knew that Henry Ford was committed to quality.
Ford once said, “…(any car we build) will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one…”.
Low Price Wasn’t Low Enough
My father went to the dealer, found the price to be a bit out of his reach, and went to my grandmother for advice.
Her common sense approach came through, “Ask the man for a discount”.
Ask and You Will Receive
My father returned to the car dealer, asked for a few hundred dollars to be taken off the price, and ended up driving away with a new car that day.
Money Saving Method #1: Ask For a Discount
That’s right, as simple as it seems, to reduce server costs, just click on the live sales chat, call the number on the page, or email sales and ask them for a discount.
Does this method really work? Of course it does. Just try it on our site knownhost.com Say what you want, ask for a discount, and prepare to get your new hosting account.
From Dads to Daughters
My stepdaughter is a part of the Siri generation. She knows how easy it is to get answers to her questions by simply saying, “Hey Siri” followed whatever she wants to know, ranging from the time or temperature to the latest research on membrane theory.
When she puts questions to me, the response is a bit less direct. I typically respond with something along the lines of, “look, think, look, then ask“.
Effort is Required
You want to save hundreds on hosting? Put out a bit of effort. Maybe Google will help. Maybe Siri.
Either way, search for something like: KnownHost discount, KnownHost coupon, KnownHost deal
You’ll find a series of search results with varying discount offers and promotions, some 15%, 20%, even 50% off.
Money Saving Method #2: Search for a Discount, Offer or Deal
This simple method works because of affiliates. These websites draw in huge traffic and share discounts with you, the buying public. In exchange, they earn a small commission for having shared those deals.
As a kid, I would look forward to just about every holiday. Most included a trip to my grandmother’s house, filled to the brim with relatives, multitudes of home-cooked dishes, some type of group chores done to help out the grandparents, a luscious dessert or two.
If karma was smiling on me, there might even be a nap. I looked forward to each and every one of those holidays with sheer anticipation.
Nowadays, many people look forward to holidays because of the associated consumer therapy – the SALES. There will be special discount offers surrounding some holidays, more than others, including Black Friday – a huge shopping day of the year.
If you can wait until the next major holiday sale, then wait – and save big!
Money Saving Method #3: Wait for a Holiday Sale
You know those holidays are coming, so let the anticipation build, wait, then when the time is right, go to your brand of choice and get that hosting plan on sale.
Grandpa Geeks
My father-in-law was a man who loved technology, loved his gadgets and his hobbies. He was into flying remote controlled aircraft, mostly helicopters. These weren’t the ones that cost as much as a pair of shoes. These cost more than an iPhone and iPad combined.
When my father-in-law decided to get into gaming, he went the PC route. A fully decked out gaming PC was right up there with the price of top of the line RC helicopters. He got one, played some games and was mildly enthused.
Droolworthy Technology
After visiting one weekend, my wife and I were drooling over his ‘mildly enthused’ gaming rig. We weren’t PC gamers, but knew enough to admire the over the top specification of everything that went into it.
On another weekend, he and his wife came to our place for a visit, collies in tow (which the cats were not amused about at all). He got a look at our XBOX setup, had a quick play on some of the games and loved it.
When he asked what a setup like this cost, neither of us wanted to admit that it was less than 1/4 of what he had spent.
Speak to Someone Who Knows
It was then that I realised the value in getting a tech recommendation from someone who knows about that kind of tech, and to buy what you need rather than what you think you might need.
Bonus Money Saving Method #4: Buy What You Need, Not What You Think You Need (from someone who knows)
Find a trusted expert and let them help you buy only what you need. You can save 50% or more by following this advice alone, and can use it in conjunction with any of the first three methods as well.
Would you like a hand in finding the perfect plan for your business needs AND would like to get that at a discount?
Go to our website homepage and reach out to our expert technical sales helpline. They get paid to help you reduce server costs and find the plan with the perfect fit!