The first step after developing a website is to choose a good, reliable web hosting provider with excellent uptime and required support 24x7x365 days. Finding a good web hosting provider is hard, and we fall into a big giant’s marketing trap. There are thousands of web hosting providers across the US, specifically who are doing […]
User experience can make or break your website’s success. Whether you sell products, write a blog or provide services, your audience’s interactions with your website are one of the most important indicators of whether they keep coming back or say, “so long” as they hit up your competitors who give them a better experience. When […]
When you have just started your own business, soon comes the daunting task of creating a web presence. You hear words like “shared web hosting” and “dedicated hosting” – perhaps even acronyms like “VPS.” Then you hear prices ranging from $1 to hundreds. While you may be tempted to think that the cheaper option is […]
Most users purchase a domain name with the intention of building a website around it, but there are no rules or regulations stating this has to be the case, nor is there a time limit on when you have to use your domain. You can legally purchase as many domain names as you want and […]