How To Overcome Bloggers Block

Updated December 14, 2020
Blogger’s Block is so much more than writer’s block, presenting a challenge to bloggers of all ages, interests and styles. We’ll take a look at what exactly are both types of blocks, examine the difference between the two kinds of blocks and give some tips on how to overcome blogger’s block.
What is Writer’s Block?
Some have characterized writer’s block as being an inability to write, but that’s an understatement of epic proportions. In reality, writer’s block is the inability to write high quality content on topics the author has chosen at a time and place of their choosing.
Writer’s block can be characterized by a shortage of emotional energy. It can stem from that lack of motivation and may feel like a fire burning as a pilot light rather than a white hot burner. It can also feel like a depression, a rut or exhaustion – a mental fatigue.
Writer’s block can take shape as thinking you’ll do tomorrow what could have been done today, often in hopes that another day will mean having more oomph available. It’s not a lack of skill, but rather a lack of inspired action.
Those experiencing writer’s block can often still write perfectly coherent words on the page, tell stories and convey meaning with perfect clarity. Instead, this type of block will mostly be seen in the output of “decent” work that isn’t magical or remarkable in any way.
Writers want to be noteworthy and inspirational. Having writer’s block means work output is lacking in both of these key traits.
What is Blogger’s Block?
Blogger’s block is a kind of writer’s block, because bloggers have many facets to their writing requirements in addition to putting words on a page.
Blogger’s block includes impacts on the ability to write highly noteworthy and inspirational content (bookmarkable or evergreen), but also can be a lack of motivation to create remarkable graphics to accompany the words, a shortage of effort on search optimization (including the keyword research, tweaking of titles and H tags, image alt tags, keyword and synonym usage, etc) as well as reduced outreach and inclusion of the work others have made which could contribute and extend blog writing.
When you’ve got blogger’s block, you’ll often find yourself writing plenty, but it may not be the highest quality, most relevant or well marketed content to which you’ve grown accustomed.
Overcoming Blogger’s Block
Regaining focus and refueling the mental stores of energy, inspiration and motivation isn’t simply a matter of pulling oneself up by their bootstraps. If only it was this simple!
Recharging the mental batteries can come from a number of activities. Read on and we’ll share some tips for getting your mojo back.
Tips to Overcome Blogger’s Block
Artists that use paint, words or notes, as well as scientists that rely on electron microscopes, refractive luminescent doppler scans or statistical calculations, all have gotten “stuck” at some point or another.
Spending more and more time on a problem can sometimes help one power through and overcome or lead to further bogging down and even less progress being made.
#1 Get a short change of scenery.
As a blogger, getting a change of scenery can mean stepping out of the house or office, visiting a place of beauty, history or unique feature that is totally new and different. Give your brain some new sensory inputs.
Stepping away from a problem can give a clarity that has proven elusive recently. It can energize and put perspective on life and empower one to take on challenges with a fresh head of steam.
Often, a good shot of adrenaline, by engaging in a strenuous activity, is an ideal way to get the mind out of the redundant loops that we call ruts.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to physically travel to get a change of scenery. Try taking some time online to venture into uncharted territory. Learn about something totally alien, like how scientists are discovering habitable planets nearby, how electric engine swaps are the newest rage for classic cars, what you can do to build a sustainable home in the country, or any of 1,000 other topics you find interesting but haven’t ever invested the time to pursue.
Whether you venture out physically or mentally (without changing your geographical location), get your mind somewhere else enjoyable for a time and let the psychological energy reserves get replenished.
#2 – Your history can be incredibly inspiring
Take a look back at your own history to see topics, perspectives and cleverness that you’ve demonstrated in past posts on the blog as well as social media accounts.
Older posts can provide great ammunition for hunting relevant topics for today. There’s a reason sites like Facebook show you moments of the past on a regular basis. People find them comforting, energizing and a source of emotional reaction.
Sometimes the combination of previous thoughts can lead to a mashup or mix that hadn’t been put together before, at least not by you anyway.
#3 – Change your sphere of influencers
Jim Rohn famously said that we’re the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with – famous because it resonates as being so accurate.
The blogs you read, sites and influencers you follow, news networks you consume…. these are all what shape mental state, opinion and perspective.
If you’re active in groups on social media, ignore your regular haunts and find some new ones. This isn’t a forever change. It’s just to jolt your mind into new patterns.
At least temporarily, shed these things. Add to your repertoire by exposing yourself to new ideas, people and information sources.
If you’re used to getting news of a very liberal or conservative slant, try switching channels for a day or two or more. Find some new bloggers or thinkers in the niche, or related niches, to which you’re concerned.
As you immerse yourself in new information and perspectives, you’ll find neurons firing that had previously been dormant. Engage and expand.
#4 – Dive deep
In the world of today it’s all too easy to nibble on information. We take small bites of info in the form of short articles, executive summaries and generally light, low-depth reading. We’re drawn in by link bait titles on the “7 ways of ____”, “3 reasons why ___”, etc and get lulled into making these our sole source of knowledge.
Step back, pick up a book and dive in. Thanks to the number of pages of focused detail found in books, we’re able to move from 1,000 or 2,000 words on a subject to several hundred pages of real in-depth information.
Set aside the time. Find a book, or three, on a topic of interest. Get immersed. Use that depth to fuel your passion.
#5 – Have a conversation
In a world of instant messenger, email and SMS messaging, having an actual conversation, in person or via telephone, is becoming less common. Pick someone who knows something about your topic of interest and have a discussion with them.
An interview is one of the best possible ways of accomplishing this objective.
When you’re going to conduct an interview, you’ll have to have done your homework on the topic first, just to gain enough knowledge to be able to ask poignant questions.
Making a list of questions can force your brain to step well outside of your comfort zone and give you many new avenues of thought. Getting those questions answered by someone else can also provide you a perspective previously unavailable from within your own head.
The parable of the blind men and the elephant drives this point home. Your world view is limited by your own senses, history and education. Let the discovery process and views of another shape you.
#6 – Look for itches
Rather than simply looking for information to inspire you, actively seek out problems experienced by others. The human race has been driven to innovation and invention because of pains, problems and hurdles that need to be overcome.
Search news stories, social media, websites, blogs, groups and forums. Seek out problems (the itch) and see what is being offered up as solutions (the scratch). Then try to come up with ideas to solve the problems on your own.
The requirements to think outside the box can radically shape and energize you!
Keep in mind that you may not develop a totally unique idea that’s never been discussed previously. However, you may come up with ideas that are unique to you and ones which you didn’t borrow from someone else. Then again, you may invent the next spork.
#7 – Tweak your environment
Sensory inputs can impact mental energy and inspiration, propelling you forward in quantum leaps by simply surrounding yourself with different sights, sounds and smells.
Get a totally new wax melt or oil diffuser.
Play some music from a genre to which you wouldn’t ordinarily listen.
Open a window shade, turn on all the lights or change the placement of lamps in the room.
Turn off the latest pandemic news in the background and replace it with an Elvis Bossa Nova mashup, or other unexplored sound – even soundscapes like thunderstorms or birds.
Get energized, inspired and motivated to blog at your full potential by following some, or all, of the six steps above. Hopefully these tips will help you overcome blogger’s block and get your blogging up to its potential.