In the ever-evolving landscape of internet domains, the .io extension has emerged as a popular choice among technology professionals and startups. But what does it mean and why has it become such a sought-after domain extension? In this guide, the tech experts at Knownhost explain the meaning of the .io domain, its applications, and the […]
Category: Blogging
Information about how to get started with blogging and what platform to use.
The definition of third-party data sharing is the transfer of data that has been collected from individual users across platforms and sites, that is exchanged between organizations distinct from the original users and data collectors. There are advantages and disadvantages to sharing with third parties. It can improve innovation and insight into customer behaviors but […]
MTR is a powerful network diagnostic tool that combines the functionality of the traditional traceroute and ping commands. It provides a comprehensive view of the network path between a computer and a specified destination – allowing users to identify network issues and optimize internet connectivity. In this guide, the web hosting experts at KnownHost explain […]
Data centers are a hot topic for rapidly growing enterprises, with the number increasing consistently whilst attempting to match the demand of businesses requiring cloud and IT facilities. A data center is a building or dedicated space that hosts a set of networked computer servers that have a variety of uses, such as remote storage, […]