There is nothing more galling in life that someone else taking credit for your work. Putting together a well-constructed, informative, entertaining website is an art in and of itself, so when time and care has been spent in doing this, it can be seriously deflating to see it replicated and used by someone else, […]
Category: Basics
If you are running your own business online and hosting or providing downloadable content – pictures, videos, applications, and so forth, you will find that to accommodate all of that data and the traffic associated with it requires a considerable amount of performance from whatever server your content is being hosted on.
IPv4 – The Past and the Present 4 billion is a big number – that’s how many IPv4 addresses there are in the world, and you might imagine that that would be more than enough to accommodate all of the PCs and laptops out there. But, since the inexorable rise in popularity and usage […]
You’ve done all the work, created the site, done excellent job on on-page and off-page SEO, everything is ready for you to have a great Google page rank and enjoy the fruits of your labour on SEO. But, have you considered how much your hosting solution is influencing your SEO rank? Today we’re looking into […]